What is it about?

Homemakers for the elderly or homebound assist with support duties that support your aging parents or loved ones to remain in their home. Every home care situation is different and you will direct the required duties that are assigned, so it is tailored to fit your specific needs. Homemakers often strip beds, do laundry & remake beds with fresh linens. EDSy Home Care include washing clothing, towels, folding & putting them away and other duties as directed by the family or your loved one to aid and support their independence.

Why Choose us?

Providing You High Quality Home Care Solutions

Homemaker services also consist of keeping the bathroom and kitchen floors clean, as well as wiping counters after they do meal preparation. All this as outlined by you and your family to best suit your needs.

Reminding your loved one to take their medication is an important part of homemaker services as medication compliance is key to a long and healthy independent life at home.

Household tasks for general upkeep including vacuuming, dusting, ironing clothes, possibly organizing a closet with client’s direction – these are typically performed by our  homemakers.

Your homemaker may also escort your loved one to shopping, carry groceries, help put away groceries when home and prepare grocery lists. Your homemaker will also check the expiration date on refrigerated products to assure the personal safety of the client.

When a client is unable to go a homemaker aide will run the errand for the client as directed and as needed. Our homemakers provide a watchful eye by being present performing traditional homemaking services and tasks to allow your aging parents to remain in their comfortable home..

What includes?